Zorgvlied Crematorion / GROUP A

Architects: GROUP A
Area: 250 m²
Year: 2016
Photography: Digidaan
Lead Architects: Maarten van Bremen
Project Team: Jos Overmars, Engin Kinsiz, Ajay Saini, Bahar Akkoclu
Contractor: Bouwbedrijf van Schaik
Structural Engineering: Breed Integrated Design
Tent Construction Consultant: Tentech BV
Client: Municipality Amstelveen
City: Amsterdam
Country: Netherlands

The Zorgvlied Crematorion, designed by GROUP A in Amsterdam, transforms traditional cremation rituals by allowing mourners to accompany the deceased to the cremation furnace. Completed in 2016, this 16-meter-high structure features a stone base and a tent-like upper section, representing the connection between earth and sky. The building integrates seamlessly into the landscape of the historic Zorgvlied Cemetery, with natural light entering through a glass-covered opening, creating a reflective atmosphere. The design promotes inclusive participation in farewell ceremonies, accommodating various cultural practices while highlighting the symbolic spiritual journey of the deceased.

Zorgvlied crematorion / group a

Named by combining “cremate” with the constellation “Orion,” the Zorgvlied Crematorion marks a new chapter in cremation practices. The structure supports a personal and participatory farewell, where relatives can physically escort their loved ones on their final journey. Its design encourages deeper involvement in the ritual, offering a space that enhances the emotional and spiritual significance of the cremation process.

Zorgvlied crematorion / group a

The Crematorion is a standalone building, separate from the main auditorium, focusing on the cremation process. It encourages personal involvement, allowing mourners to tailor the ritual according to their preferences. The farewell ceremony may occur at Zorgvlied’s auditorium, elsewhere, or even at home. After the ceremony, relatives accompany the deceased through the cemetery to the Crematorion. They can choose to leave the casket in the forecourt or place it into the furnace themselves. Unlike traditional services, all invitees can witness the casket entering the furnace, accommodating different cultural customs and rituals.

Zorgvlied crematorion / group a

The Crematorion, 16-meters-high, blends into the cemetery’s leafy environment, with greenery extending along its exterior walls. The structure contrasts stone with a light, tent-like upper section, ending in a glass-covered opening. These contrasting materials symbolize the earthly and spiritual realms. The structure’s rotation reflects the sun’s path and the site’s orientation, allowing daylight to enter the forecourt and illuminate a glass mosaic wall that separates the forecourt from the technical area.

The pavilion is both distinctive and welcoming, subtly suggesting the spiritual beyond. The path from auditorium to the Crematorion, designed by GROUP A, plays a key role in symbolizing the final journey of the deceased, with the vertical design emphasizing the spirit’s rise toward the stars, making this farewell a significant ritual.

Zorgvlied crematorion / group a
Project Gallery
Project Location

Address: Amsteldijk 273, Amsterdam 1079 LL, Netherlands

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