Architects: PH TIPO CASA
Area: 145 m²
Year: 2022
Photography: Federico Kulekdjian
Lead Architect: Marcelo Sasso
Constructions: DINAMICA Construcciones
Client: Belen & Tro
City: Buenos Aires
Country: Argentina

PH MIRÓ, designed by PH TIPO CASA, renovates a house in Parque Chacabuco, integrating light and functionality into the existing structure. Completed in 2022, the project reclaims and enhances the house’s original spaces without expanding its footprint.

Ph miró / ph tipo casa

Belen and Tro approached the architects to renovate their newly acquired house in Parque Chacabuco. The challenge was to reclaim the value of the existing spaces without expanding beyond the current square meters.

The initial step was to reconfigure the interiors by integrating the living room with the kitchen. This design prioritized light entry through two main operations. First, drilling into the existing slab in the new kitchen area, annexing it to an internal patio to improve views and ventilation.

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The second operation involved removing an awning in the main patio to maximize natural light and air access throughout the project.

The terrace, a previously stepped and fragmented sector, was reconfigured to encourage social gatherings.

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This included adding new steps to the staircase, linking them with a step gesture to facilitate ascent to the highest point of the house. Throughout the renovation, the party walls were restructured to recompose the entire volume and avoid unwanted views.

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The resulting house features two voids that ensure light and ventilation throughout the day, preserving existing elements while integrating new and improved interventions.

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Project Gallery
Project Location

Address: Parque Chacabuco, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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