Casona Los Cedros Hotel / Laura Lecué – Collectif COMO

Architects: Laura Lecué – Collectif COMO
Area: 8450 ft²
Year: 2021
Photographs: Manolo R Solís, Diafragmas
Lead Architect: Laura Lecué – Collectif COMO
Interior Design: Laura Lecué – Collectif COMO, Louise Pozzo
Program: Hotel Boutique / Restaurant
City: Espita
Country: Mexico

CASONA LOS CEDROS is a comprehensive rehabilitation project transforming an abandoned Espita family home into the reception area for the boutique hotel CEDROS and the CASONA restaurant. The design integrates eight rooms, a swimming pool, and a restaurant into a tropical garden, blending contemporary and traditional architecture. The project emphasizes the use of local materials and craftsmanship, preserving the historical essence while introducing modern comforts.

CASONA LOS CEDROS is a project focused on the integral rehabilitation of an old building that was the home of an Espita family before being abandoned for thirty years. It now houses the reception for the boutique hotel CEDROS and the CASONA restaurant.

Detail and respect for local materials were central to the design. The project includes eight rooms, a swimming pool, and a restaurant with a covered terrace, all integrated into a tropical garden. This contemporary architecture dialogues with the traditional architecture of the old colonial building.

For the renovation, traditional materials and techniques were used. Stone, natural fiber, pixoy, chukum, certified wood, and lime were employed. These materials were also used in the new construction, creating an aesthetic dialogue between old and contemporary elements.

The project harmonizes with the village of Espita through local craftsmanship and quality materials. Masons and carpenters used traditional, environment-friendly techniques with local and natural materials.

Local craftsmanship is pivotal: bejuco lamps woven by Mango, embroidered textiles by Marta, Espita residents, and furniture made by local carpenters.

The old house, on the street corner, was in poor condition after being abandoned for over 30 years. The main volumes at the front lacked roofs, damaging the woodwork and interior stucco.

The first step was removing all added concrete elements to restore the building. New chukum finishes were added, cedar wood windows were crafted in Espita, and a cement mosaic floor typical of Yucatan added color to the natural tones.

The neglected garden, filled with trees and vegetation, was preserved. The architectural project integrated the trees without cutting them down.

Vegetation and tall trees are integral to the project, with built elements surrounding and enhancing the greenery. Visual barriers for room privacy are created by the vegetation.

Bedrooms have large windows overlooking the greenery, and each bathroom features a patio for light and greenery.

The infinity pool is central, visible from the entrance, surrounded by trees. At night, tree branches reflect in the water, blurring the line between reality and reflection.

Project Gallery
Project Location

Address: Calle 26 No. 199, Apt. 23×25, Centro, Espita, Yucatán, 97730, Mexico

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