Cultural ArchitectureMONUMENTSPublic Architecture Tokyu Kabukicho Tower / Yuko Nagayama & Associates + KUME SEKKEI Co. + Tokyu Architects & Engineers
Educational ArchitectureKINDERGARTEN The Little Phoenix Kindergarten / Architectural Design & Research Institute of SCUT – TaoZhi Studio
HOUSESHouse InteriorsInterior DesignResidential ArchitectureRESIDENTIAL INTERIORS House in a Grove / STO.M.P
Wellness InteriorsHealthcare ArchitectureHOSPITALITY INTERIORSInterior DesignWELLBEING Zala Springs Golf Resort Wellness Pavilion / Archikon Architects
RETAIL INTERIORSCommercial & OfficesInterior DesignRETAIL HARMAY Beijing Flagship Store / AIM Architecture
ApartmentsArchitectureEXTENSIONHOUSINGRefurbishmentResidential Architecture RVTK / Messner Architects
NewsArchitectureChapelReligious ArchitectureWORSHIP Wayfarers Chapel by Lloyd Wright to Be Disassembled Due to Landslide Risk
NewsApartmentsHOUSINGResidential Architecture Valckensteyn: Sustainable Timber Housing Complex by Powerhouse Company in Rotterdam